Hardcore Visual Basic 5.0 (2nd Edition)
Hardcore Visual Basic 5.0 - Second Edition (1997)(Microsoft Press).iso
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BASIC Source File
906 lines
Attribute VB_Name = "MUtility"
Option Explicit
Public Enum EHexDump
End Enum
Enum ESearchOptions
esoCaseSense = &H1
esoBackward = &H2
esoWholeWord = &H4
End Enum
Public Enum EErrorUtility
eeBaseUtility = 13000 ' Utility
eeNoMousePointer ' HourGlass: Object doesn't have mouse pointer
eeNoTrueOption ' GetOption: None of the options are True
eeNotOptionArray ' GetOption: Not control array of OptionButton
eeMissingParameter ' InStrR: One or more parameters are missing
End Enum
#If fComponent Then
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
' Seed sequence with timer for each client
End Sub
#End If
#If fComponent = 0 Then
Private Sub ErrRaise(e As Long)
Dim sText As String, sSource As String
If e > 1000 Then
sSource = App.ExeName & ".Utility"
Select Case e
Case eeBaseUtility
BugAssert True
Case eeNoMousePointer
sText = "HourGlass: Object doesn't have mouse pointer"
Case eeNoTrueOption
sText = "GetOption: None of the options are True"
Case eeNotOptionArray
sText = "GetOption: Argument is not a control array" & _
"of OptionButtons"
Case eeMissingParameter
sText = "InStrR: One or more parameters are missing"
End Select
Err.Raise COMError(e), sSource, sText
' Raise standard Visual Basic error
sSource = App.ExeName & ".VBError"
Err.Raise e, sSource
End If
End Sub
#End If
' Can't do sNullChr in type library, so fake it here
Public Property Get sNullChr() As String
sNullChr = vbNullChar
End Property
Sub HourGlass(obj As Object)
Static ordMouse As Integer, fOn As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
If Not fOn Then
' Save pointer and set hourglass
ordMouse = obj.MousePointer
obj.MousePointer = vbHourglass
fOn = True
' Restore pointer
obj.MousePointer = ordMouse
fOn = False
End If
If Err Then ErrRaise eeNoMousePointer
End Sub
Function IsArrayEmpty(va As Variant) As Boolean
Dim v As Variant
On Error Resume Next
v = va(LBound(va))
IsArrayEmpty = (Err <> 0)
End Function
Function HasShell() As Boolean
Dim dw As Long
dw = GetVersion()
If (dw And &HFF&) >= 4 Then
HasShell = True
' Proves that operating system has shell, but not
' necessarily that it is installed. Some might argue
' that this function should check Registry under WinNT
' or SYSTEM.INI Shell= under Win95
End If
End Function
Function IsNT() As Boolean
Dim dw As Long
IsNT = ((GetVersion() And &H80000000) = 0)
End Function
Sub SwapBytes(ByVal b1 As Byte, ByVal b2 As Byte)
Dim bTmp As Byte
b1 = bTmp
b2 = b1
b1 = bTmp
End Sub
Sub SwapIntegers(ByVal w1 As Integer, ByVal w2 As Integer)
Dim wTmp As Byte
w1 = wTmp
w2 = w1
w1 = wTmp
End Sub
Sub SwapLongs(ByVal dw1 As Long, ByVal dw2 As Long)
Dim dwTmp As Byte
dw1 = dwTmp
dw2 = dw1
dw1 = dwTmp
End Sub
Function FmtHex(ByVal i As Long, _
Optional ByVal iWidth As Integer = 8) As String
FmtHex = Right$(String$(iWidth, "0") & Hex$(i), iWidth)
End Function
Function FmtInt(ByVal iVal As Integer, ByVal iWidth As Integer, _
Optional fRight As Boolean = True) As String
If fRight Then
FmtInt = Right$(Space$(iWidth) & iVal, iWidth)
FmtInt = Left$(iVal & Space$(iWidth), iWidth)
End If
End Function
Function FmtStr(s As String, ByVal iWidth As Integer, _
Optional fRight As Boolean = True) As String
If fRight Then
FmtStr = Left$(s & Space$(iWidth), iWidth)
FmtStr = Right$(Space$(iWidth) & s, iWidth)
End If
End Function
' Find the True option from a control array of OptionButtons
Function GetOption(opts As Object) As Integer
On Error GoTo GetOptionFail
Dim opt As OptionButton
For Each opt In opts
If opt.Value Then
GetOption = opt.Index
Exit Function
End If
On Error GoTo 0
ErrRaise eeNoTrueOption
Exit Function
ErrRaise eeNotOptionArray
End Function
' Make sure path ends in a backslash
Function NormalizePath(sPath As String) As String
If Right$(sPath, 1) <> sBSlash Then
NormalizePath = sPath & sBSlash
NormalizePath = sPath
End If
End Function
' Make sure path doesn't end in a backslash
Sub DenormalizePath(sPath As Variant)
If Right$(sPath, 1) = sBSlash Then
sPath = Left$(sPath, Len(sPath) - 1)
End If
End Sub
' Test file existence with error trapping
Function ExistFile(sSpec As String) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
Call FileLen(sSpec)
ExistFile = (Err = 0)
End Function
' Test file existence with the Windows API
Function ExistFileDir(sSpec As String) As Boolean
Dim af As Long
af = GetFileAttributes(sSpec)
ExistFileDir = (af <> -1)
End Function
' Test file existence with the Dir$ function
Function Exists(sSpec As String) As Boolean
Exists = Dir$(sSpec, vbDirectory) <> sEmpty
End Function
' Convert Automation color to Windows color
Function TranslateColor(ByVal clr As OLE_COLOR, _
Optional hPal As Long = 0) As Long
If OleTranslateColor(clr, hPal, TranslateColor) Then
TranslateColor = CLR_INVALID
End If
End Function
Function GetExtPos(sSpec As String) As Integer
Dim iLast As Integer, iExt As Integer
iLast = Len(sSpec)
' Parse backward to find extension or base
For iExt = iLast + 1 To 1 Step -1
Select Case Mid$(sSpec, iExt, 1)
Case "."
' First . from right is extension start
Exit For
Case "\"
' First \ from right is base start
iExt = iLast + 1
Exit For
End Select
' Negative return indicates no extension, but this
' is base so callers don't have to reparse.
GetExtPos = iExt
End Function
Function GetFileText(sFileName As String) As String
Dim nFile As Integer, sText As String
nFile = FreeFile
'Open sFileName For Input As nFile ' Don't do this!!!
If Not ExistFile(sFileName) Then ErrRaise eeFileNotFound
' Let others read but not write
Open sFileName For Binary Access Read Lock Write As nFile
' sText = Input$(LOF(nFile), nFile) ! Don't do this!!!
' This is much faster
sText = String$(LOF(nFile), 0)
Get nFile, 1, sText
Close nFile
GetFileText = sText
End Function
Function IsRTF(sFileName As String) As Boolean
Dim nFile As Integer, sText As String
nFile = FreeFile
If Not ExistFile(sFileName) Then Exit Function
' Pass error through to caller
Open sFileName For Binary Access Read Lock Write As nFile
If LOF(nFile) < 5 Then Exit Function
sText = String$(5, 0)
Get nFile, 1, sText
Close nFile
If sText = "{\rtf" Then IsRTF = True
End Function
Function GetRandom(ByVal iLo As Long, ByVal iHi As Long) As Long
GetRandom = Int(iLo + (Rnd * (iHi - iLo + 1)))
End Function
Sub DoWaitEvents(msWait As Long)
Dim msEnd As Long
msEnd = GetTickCount + msWait
Loop While GetTickCount < msEnd
End Sub
Function HexDumpS(s As String, Optional ehdFmt As EHexDump = ehdOneColumn) As String
Dim ab() As Byte
ab = StrToStrB(s)
HexDumpS = HexDump(ab, ehdFmt)
End Function
Function HexDumpB(s As String, Optional ehdFmt As EHexDump = ehdOneColumn) As String
Dim ab() As Byte
ab = s
HexDumpB = HexDump(ab, ehdFmt)
End Function
Function HexDumpPtr(ByVal p As Long, ByVal c As Long, _
Optional ehdFmt As EHexDump = ehdOneColumn) As String
Dim ab() As Byte
ReDim ab(0 To c - 1) As Byte
CopyMemory ab(0), ByVal p, c
HexDumpPtr = HexDump(ab, ehdFmt)
End Function
Function HexDump(ab() As Byte, _
Optional ehdFmt As EHexDump = ehdOneColumn) As String
Dim i As Integer, sDump As String, sAscii As String
Dim iColumn As Integer, iCur As Integer, sCur As String
Dim sLine As String
Select Case ehdFmt
Case ehdOneColumn, ehdSample8
iColumn = 8
Case ehdTwoColumn, ehdSample16
iColumn = 16
Case ehdEndless
iColumn = 32767
End Select
For i = LBound(ab) To UBound(ab)
' Get current character
iCur = ab(i)
sCur = Chr$(iCur)
' Append its hex value
sLine = sLine & Right$("0" & Hex$(iCur), 2) & " "
' Append its ASCII value or dot
If ehdFmt <= ehdTwoColumn Then
If iCur >= 32 And iCur < 127 Then
sAscii = sAscii & sCur
sAscii = sAscii & "."
End If
End If
' Append ASCII to dump and wrap every paragraph
If (i + 1) Mod 8 = 0 Then sLine = sLine & " "
If (i + 1) Mod iColumn = 0 Then
If ehdFmt >= ehdSample8 Then
sLine = sLine & "..."
Exit For
End If
sLine = sLine & " " & sAscii & sCrLf
sDump = sDump & sLine
sAscii = sEmpty
sLine = sEmpty
End If
If ehdFmt <= ehdTwoColumn Then
If (i + 1) Mod iColumn Then
If ehdFmt Then
sLine = Left$(sLine & Space$(53), 53) & sAscii
sLine = Left$(sLine & Space$(26), 26) & sAscii
End If
End If
sDump = sDump & sLine
sDump = sLine
End If
HexDump = sDump
End Function
Function StrToStrB(ByVal s As String) As String
If UnicodeTypeLib Then
StrToStrB = s
StrToStrB = StrConv(s, vbFromUnicode)
End If
End Function
Function StrBToStr(ByVal s As String) As String
If UnicodeTypeLib Then
StrBToStr = s
StrBToStr = StrConv(s, vbUnicode)
End If
End Function
Function StrZToStr(s As String) As String
StrZToStr = Left$(s, lstrlen(s))
End Function
Function ExpandEnvStr(sData As String) As String
Dim c As Long, s As String
' Get the length
s = sEmpty ' Needed to get around Windows 95 limitation
c = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(sData, s, c)
' Expand the string
s = String$(c - 1, 0)
c = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(sData, s, c)
ExpandEnvStr = s
End Function
Function PointerToString(p As Long) As String
Dim c As Long
c = lstrlenPtr(p)
PointerToString = String$(c, 0)
If UnicodeTypeLib Then
CopyMemoryToStr PointerToString, ByVal p, c * 2
CopyMemoryToStr PointerToString, ByVal p, c
End If
End Function
Function StringToPointer(s As String) As Long
If UnicodeTypeLib Then
StringToPointer = VarPtr(s)
StringToPointer = StrPtr(s)
End If
End Function
Sub SaveFileStr(sFile As String, sContent As String)
Dim nFile As Integer
nFile = FreeFile
Open sFile For Output Access Write Lock Write As nFile
Print #nFile, sContent;
Close nFile
End Sub
Function SaveFileText(sFileName As String, sText As String) As Long
Dim nFile As Integer
On Error Resume Next
nFile = FreeFile
Open sFileName For Output Access Write Lock Write As nFile
Print #nFile, sText
Close nFile
SaveFileText = Err
End Function
Function FindString(sTarget As String, sFind As String, _
Optional ByVal iPos As Long, _
Optional ByVal esoOptions As ESearchOptions) As Long
Dim ordComp As Long, cFind As Long, fBack As Boolean
' Get the compare method
If esoOptions And esoCaseSense Then
ordComp = vbBinaryCompare
ordComp = vbTextCompare
End If
' Set up first search
cFind = Len(sFind)
If iPos = 0 Then iPos = 1
If esoOptions And esoBackward Then fBack = True
' Find the string
If fBack Then
iPos = InStrR(iPos, sTarget, sFind, ordComp)
iPos = InStr(iPos, sTarget, sFind, ordComp)
End If
' If not found, we're done
If iPos = 0 Then Exit Function
If esoOptions And esoWholeWord Then
' If it's supposed to be whole word and is, we're done
If IsWholeWord(sTarget, iPos, Len(sFind)) Then Exit Do
' Otherwise, set up next search
If fBack Then
iPos = iPos - cFind
If iPos < 1 Then Exit Function
iPos = iPos + cFind
If iPos > Len(sTarget) Then Exit Function
End If
' If it wasn't a whole word search, we're done
Exit Do
End If
FindString = iPos
End Function
Private Function IsWholeWord(sTarget As String, ByVal iPos As Long, _
ByVal cFind As Long) As Boolean
Dim sChar As String, sSep As String
sSep = " .,!:?" & sTab & sCrLf
' Check character before
If iPos > 1 Then
sChar = Mid$(sTarget, iPos - 1, 1)
If InStr(sSep, sChar) = 0 Then Exit Function
End If
' Check character after
If iPos < Len(sTarget) - 1 Then
sChar = Mid$(sTarget, iPos + cFind, 1)
If InStr(sSep, sChar) = 0 Then Exit Function
End If
IsWholeWord = True
End Function
' Basic is one of the few languages where you can't extract a character
' from or insert a character into a string at a given position without
' creating another string. These procedures fix that limitation.
' Much faster than AscW(Mid$(sTarget, iPos, 1))
Function CharFromStr(sTarget As String, _
Optional ByVal iPos As Long = 1) As Integer
CopyMemory CharFromStr, ByVal StrPtr(sTarget) + (iPos * 2) - 2, 2
End Function
' Much faster than Mid$(sTarget, iPos, 1) = Chr$(ch)
Sub CharToStr(sTarget As String, ByVal ch As Integer, _
Optional ByVal iPos As Long = 1)
CopyMemory ByVal StrPtr(sTarget) + (iPos * 2) - 2, ch, 2
End Sub
' This brute force algorithm should be replaced with the Boyer-Moore
' algrorithm or some other sophisticated string search code
Function InStrR(Optional vStart As Variant, _
Optional vTarget As Variant, _
Optional vFind As Variant, _
Optional vCompare As Variant) As Long
If IsMissing(vStart) Then ErrRaise eeMissingParameter
' Handle missing arguments
Dim iStart As Long, sTarget As String
Dim sFind As String, ordCompare As Long
If VarType(vStart) = vbString Then
BugAssert IsMissing(vCompare)
If IsMissing(vTarget) Then ErrRaise eeMissingParameter
sTarget = vStart
sFind = vTarget
iStart = Len(sTarget)
If IsMissing(vFind) Then
ordCompare = vbBinaryCompare
ordCompare = vFind
End If
If IsMissing(vTarget) Or IsMissing(vFind) Then
ErrRaise eeMissingParameter
End If
sTarget = vTarget
sFind = vFind
iStart = vStart
If IsMissing(vCompare) Then
ordCompare = vbBinaryCompare
ordCompare = vCompare
End If
End If
' Search backward
Dim cFind As Long, i As Long, f As Long
cFind = Len(sFind)
For i = iStart - cFind + 1 To 1 Step -1
If StrComp(Mid$(sTarget, i, cFind), sFind, ordCompare) = 0 Then
InStrR = i
Exit Function
End If
End Function
Function PlayWave(ab() As Byte, Optional Flags As Long = _
PlayWave = sndPlaySoundAsBytes(ab(0), Flags)
End Function
Sub InsertChar(sTarget As String, sChar As String, iPos As Integer)
BugAssert Len(sChar) = 1 ' Accept characters only
BugAssert iPos > 0 ' Don't insert before beginning
BugAssert iPos <= Len(sTarget) ' Don't insert beyond end
Mid$(sTarget, iPos, 1) = sChar ' Do work
End Sub
Function LineWrap(sText As String, cMax As Integer)
Dim s As String, i As Integer, iLast As Integer, c As Integer
c = Len(sText)
i = 1
Do While c
iLast = i
i = i + cMax
Do While Mid$(sText, i, 1) <> sSpace
i = i - 1
s = s & Mid$(sText, iLast, i - iLast) & sCrLf & " "
i = i + 1
LineWrap = s
End Function
' Pascal: if ch in ['a', 'f', 'g'] then
' Basic: If Among(ch, "a", "f", "g") Then
Function Among(vTarget As Variant, ParamArray A() As Variant) As Boolean
Among = True ' Assume found
Dim v As Variant
For Each v In A()
If v = vTarget Then Exit Function
Among = False
End Function
' Work around limitation of AddressOf
' Call like this: procVar = GetProc(AddressOf ProcName)
Function GetProc(proc As Long) As Long
GetProc = proc
End Function
Function WordWrap(sText As String, ByVal cMax As Long) As String
Dim iStart As Long, iEnd As Long, cText As Long, sSep As String
cText = Len(sText)
iStart = 1
iEnd = cMax
sSep = " " & sTab & sCrLf
Do While iEnd < cText
' Parse back to white space
Do While InStr(sSep, Mid$(sText, iEnd, 1)) = 0
iEnd = iEnd - 1
' Don't send us text with words longer than the lines!
If iEnd <= iStart Then
WordWrap = sText
Exit Function
End If
WordWrap = WordWrap & Mid$(sText, iStart, iEnd - iStart + 1) & sCrLf
iStart = iEnd + 1
iEnd = iStart + cMax
WordWrap = WordWrap + Mid$(sText, iStart)
End Function
Sub CollectionReplace(n As Collection, vIndex As Variant, _
vVal As Variant)
If VarType(vIndex) = vbString Then
n.Remove vIndex
n.Add vVal, vIndex
n.Add vVal, , vIndex
n.Remove vIndex + 1
End If
End Sub
Function GetLabel(sRoot As String) As String
GetLabel = Dir$(sRoot & "*.*", vbVolume)
End Function
Function GetFileBase(sFile As String) As String
Dim iBase As Long, iExt As Long, s As String
If sFile = sEmpty Then Exit Function
s = GetFullPath(sFile, iBase, iExt)
GetFileBase = Mid$(s, iBase, iExt - iBase)
End Function
Function GetFileBaseExt(sFile As String) As String
Dim iBase As Long, s As String
If sFile = sEmpty Then Exit Function
s = GetFullPath(sFile, iBase)
GetFileBaseExt = Mid$(s, iBase)
End Function
Function GetFileExt(sFile As String) As String
Dim iExt As Long, s As String
If sFile = sEmpty Then Exit Function
s = GetFullPath(sFile, , iExt)
GetFileExt = Mid$(s, iExt)
End Function
Function GetFileDir(sFile As String) As String
Dim iBase As Long, s As String
If sFile = sEmpty Then Exit Function
s = GetFullPath(sFile, iBase)
GetFileDir = Left$(s, iBase - 1)
End Function
Function GetFileFullSpec(sFile As String) As String
If sFile = sEmpty Then Exit Function
GetFileFullSpec = GetFullPath(sFile)
End Function
Function SearchForExe(sName As String) As String
Dim sSpec As String, asExt(1 To 5) As String, i As Integer
asExt(1) = ".EXE": asExt(2) = ".COM": asExt(3) = ".PIF":
asExt(4) = ".BAT": asExt(5) = ".CMD"
For i = 1 To 5
sSpec = SearchDirs(sName, asExt(i))
If sSpec <> sEmpty Then Exit For
SearchForExe = sSpec
End Function
Function IsExe() As Boolean
Dim sExe As String, c As Long
sExe = String$(255, 0)
c = GetModuleFileName(hNull, sExe, 255)
sExe = Left$(sExe, c)
IsExe = Right$(UCase$(sExe), 7) <> "VB5.EXE"
End Function
Function xRight(obj As Object) As Single
xRight = obj.Left + obj.Width
End Function
Function yBottom(obj As Object) As Single
yBottom = obj.Top + obj.Height
End Function
' Win32 functions with Basic interface
' GetFullPath - Basic version of Win32 API emulation routine. It returns a
' BSTR, and indexes to the file name, directory, and extension parts of the
' full name.
' Input: sFileName - file to be qualified in one of these formats:
' [relpath\]file.ext
' \[path\]file.ext
' .\[path\]file.ext
' d:\[path\]file.ext
' ..\[path\]file.ext
' \\server\machine\[path\]file.ext
' iName - variable to receive file name position
' iDir - variable to receive directory position
' iExt - variable to receive extension position
' Return: Full path name, or an empty string on failure
' Errors: Any of the following:
Function GetFullPath(sFileName As String, _
Optional FilePart As Long, _
Optional ExtPart As Long, _
Optional DirPart As Long) As String
Dim c As Long, p As Long, sRet As String
If sFileName = sEmpty Then Exit Function
' Get the path size, then create string of that size
sRet = String(cMaxPath, 0)
c = GetFullPathName(sFileName, cMaxPath, sRet, p)
If c = 0 Then ApiRaise Err.LastDllError
BugAssert c <= cMaxPath
sRet = Left$(sRet, c)
' Get the directory, file, and extension positions
GetDirExt sRet, FilePart, DirPart, ExtPart
GetFullPath = sRet
End Function
Function GetTempFile(Optional Prefix As String, _
Optional PathName As String) As String
If Prefix = sEmpty Then Prefix = sEmpty
If PathName = sEmpty Then PathName = GetTempDir
Dim sRet As String
sRet = String(cMaxPath, 0)
GetTempFileName PathName, Prefix, 0, sRet
ApiRaiseIf Err.LastDllError
GetTempFile = GetFullPath(StrZToStr(sRet))
End Function
Function GetTempDir() As String
Dim sRet As String, c As Long
sRet = String(cMaxPath, 0)
c = GetTempPath(cMaxPath, sRet)
If c = 0 Then ApiRaise Err.LastDllError
GetTempDir = Left$(sRet, c)
End Function
Function SearchDirs(sFileName As String, _
Optional Ext As String, _
Optional Path As String, _
Optional FilePart As Long, _
Optional ExtPart As Long, _
Optional DirPart As Long) As String
Dim p As Long, c As Long, sRet As String
If sFileName = sEmpty Then ApiRaise ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER
' Handle missing or invalid extension or path
If Ext = sEmpty Then Ext = sNullStr
If Path = sEmpty Then Path = sNullStr
' Get the file (treating empty strings as NULL pointers)
sRet = String$(cMaxPath, 0)
c = SearchPath(Path, sFileName, Ext, cMaxPath, sRet, p)
If c = 0 Then
If Err.LastDllError = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND Then Exit Function
ApiRaise Err.LastDllError
End If
BugAssert c <= cMaxPath
sRet = Left$(sRet, c)
' Get the directory, file, and extension positions
GetDirExt sRet, FilePart, DirPart, ExtPart
SearchDirs = sRet
End Function
Private Sub GetDirExt(sFull As String, iFilePart As Long, _
iDirPart As Long, iExtPart As Long)
Dim iDrv As Integer, i As Integer, cMax As Integer
cMax = Len(sFull)
iDrv = Asc(UCase$(Left$(sFull, 1)))
' If in format d:\path\name.ext, return 3
If iDrv <= 90 Then ' Less than Z
If iDrv >= 65 Then ' Greater than A
If Mid$(sFull, 2, 1) = ":" Then ' Second character is :
If Mid$(sFull, 3, 1) = "\" Then ' Third character is \
iDirPart = 3
End If
End If
End If
' If in format \\machine\share\path\name.ext, return position of \path
' First and second character must be \
If iDrv <> 92 Then ApiRaise ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME
If Mid$(sFull, 2, 1) <> "\" Then ApiRaise ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME
Dim fFirst As Boolean
i = 3
If Mid$(sFull, i, 1) = "\" Then
If Not fFirst Then
fFirst = True
iDirPart = i
Exit Do
End If
End If
i = i + 1
Loop Until i = cMax
End If
' Start from end and find extension
iExtPart = cMax + 1 ' Assume no extension
fFirst = False
Dim sChar As String
For i = cMax To iDirPart Step -1
sChar = Mid$(sFull, i, 1)
If Not fFirst Then
If sChar = "." Then
iExtPart = i
fFirst = True
End If
End If
If sChar = "\" Then
iFilePart = i + 1
Exit For
End If
Exit Sub
iFilePart = 0
iDirPart = 0
iExtPart = 0
End Sub
#If fComponent Then
' Seed the component's copy of the random number generator
Sub CoreRandomize(Optional Number As Long)
Randomize Number
End Sub
Function CoreRnd(Optional Number As Long)
CoreRnd = Rnd(Number)
End Function
#End If
' GetNextLine returns a line from a string, where a "line" is all characters
' up to and including a carriage return + line feed. GetNextLine
' works the same way as GetToken. The first call to GetNextLine
' should pass the string to parse; subsequent calls should pass
' an empty string. GetNextLine returns an empty string after all lines
' have been read from the source string.
Function GetNextLine(Optional sSource As String) As String
Static sSave As String, iStart As Long, cSave As Long
Dim iEnd As Long
' Initialize GetNextLine
If (sSource <> sEmpty) Then
iStart = 1
sSave = sSource
cSave = Len(sSave)
If sSave = sEmpty Then Exit Function
End If
' iStart points to first character after the previous sCrLf
iEnd = InStr(iStart, sSave, sCrLf)
If iEnd > 0 Then
' Return line
GetNextLine = Mid$(sSave, iStart, iEnd - iStart + 2)
iStart = iEnd + 2
If iStart > cSave Then sSave = sEmpty
' Return remainder of string as a line
GetNextLine = Mid$(sSave, iStart) & sCrLf
sSave = sEmpty
End If
End Function
' RTrimLine strips off trailing carriage return + line feed
Function RTrimLine(sLine As String) As String
If Right$(sLine, 2) = sCrLf Then
RTrimLine = Left$(sLine, Len(sLine) - 2)
RTrimLine = sLine
End If
End Function